Thursday, September 19, 2019

"I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it. " Letter 73.

       This is most likely the most famous quote from Alice Walker's "The Color Purple". I figured rather than simply write about the quote, I would write about the letter it comes from as a whole.
       Letter 73 is a particularly low point for Celie. Her entire life she was devout, and she time and time again placed her faith in God. Through every trial and tribulation, she still remained faithful. After Mr. hides Netties letters, Celie loses faith. She wonders how God could be so awful to her, why he never gave her any joy. If I'm being quite honest, she deserved to feel that way.
       This is my favorite letter for two reasons. One is that, of all people, Shug Avery is the woman who preaches that Celie should remain Faithful to God.  Shug Avery embodies all sorts of sins throughout the book, but that is also why her perspective on religion is so suiting. The second reason why I love this letter is that it is the only time that Religion is something I connected with. The faith Shug describes fits into the lens I view the world with. She believes that God is not some spiteful, bearded, old white man in the clouds, but rather all of the beauty and joy in this world. "God is what connects people with all living things. As much as we serve God, he serves us double. He put everything beautiful like trees and music and the color purple here so that we could enjoy it."

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